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Future of Internationalism,
Youth Advocate

Soros Rakkasikorn, or Teak, is a creative person who is always eager to learn new things. His ultimate goal in life is to create social impact to improve his community.

Soros grew up in Thailand, a country where dreams of children are jeopardized by political turmoil. Thankfully, he is one of the fortunate groups who have access to good education, ensuring that he will have a stable career in the future. However, at a very young age he acknowledges that not everyone in his community has the same opportunity. This motivated him to be willing to help others.

Currently in Grade 10, his favorite subjects are history and languages. One of the most fascinating things he has unearthed through his interest in history is that seemingly, human beings who roamed the world  thousands of years ago share many similarities with those who are living and breathing today - this is perhaps because humans don’t learn from mistakes made by their ancestors, or as humankind, we have never broken the cycle. He is also studying Mandarin at HSK 4 level (the standardized proficiency exam) to boost his language repertoire. In terms of extracurriculars, Soros is a member of the Student Council, a member of the MUN team as well as part of his school’s volleyball team. During his spare time, he enjoys reading and cooking. 

In the future, Soros plans to major in political science at a top US university to pursue both professional and academic growth. After graduating, he would like to take his know-how and return to Thailand to create systemic change in the areas he is most passionate about, and continue to be the “bridge” that connects his country to the world for achieving collective impact. 

ASPIRE 2030 - ©2024. Supported by UNESCO and Learning Planet Institute

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