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Future of Equality,
Youth Advocate

Mira Singh is a Grade 10 student currently attending the United World College of South East Asia (UWCSEA). She is interested in writing and aspects of humanities - including psychology and economics, as well as chemistry and biology. She’s an avid reader and a passionate basketball player. Mira aims to advance impact in bridging the inequality gap, improving the quality of education, as well as endorsing initiatives to reduce poverty and enhance well-being worldwide. She would like to start in Asia and scale beyond in the future.

A significant reason as to why Mira feels strongly about inequality is from her stay in India, where she had first-hand encounters with low-income families - many dipping below the poverty line. It opened her eyes to the privilege she has and the action she needed to undertake. During her time there, she witnessed economic instability on the streets, where children or families would approach her and others for support in money and food. After these experiences, Mira has committed to mobilizing her time and resources to tackle these issues - primarily reducing the poverty rate and supporting quality education within underprivileged communities. First, she attended a summer workshop (TribesforGood) where she co-designed educational initiatives on gender, sexuality and mental health for youth across Asia. Second, she curated a project on marital rape and violence in India for he Global Citizenship school project. Lastly, she conducted research on the impact of COVID on migrant workers, including their subpar living conditions and high transactional costs and taxes on remittances. Through these initiatives, she aims to build up both her professional and personal know-how in the humanities space.

Mira aims to become a leader both in school and in the real world. Her favorite academic subjects are English, Economics and Biology and has received recognitions across various writing competitions, as well as through school certificates. For her leadership activities, Mira is a core team member of Global Concern, where she is orchestrating efforts across two projects: Casa de Amizade: helps underprivileged children in Brazil and Bombay Street Kids: works with VOICE NGO to help street children in Bombay. In her spare time, she enjoys writing and playing basketball, as well as playing board games with her family and friends. 

Looking ahead, Mira seeks to advance an intergenerational and intercultural approach in creating real life impact for the underprivileged, through a combination of advocacy, research and education projects. She aims to undertake an integrated curriculum of psychology and economics, and boost her influencing skills through subject matter research, creative writing and digital media.  

ASPIRE 2030 - ©2024. Supported by UNESCO and Learning Planet Institute

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